Jul 3, 2015

Pawlowski's Poker Face

By now I'm sure everybody knows that federal investigators visited city hall yesterday. This morning I decided not to post on the subject, because the scant facts on the nature of their inquiry were vague. Furthermore, such posts encourage speculative comments. I prefer this blog to host on more factual observations, and informed opinions. However, there is one thing I find fascinating as the day progresses. Ed Pawlowski shares  articles in the Morning Call to his Facebook page, that he finds complimentary to Allentown, and his leadership. Although he has not been available for comment on the federal investigation, he has linked to eight stories today on Facebook, touting the NIZ and one that crime is down in Allentown. Remind me not to play poker with him.


  1. Whatever this is, I'm guessing Pawlowski and his lawyer aren't altogether confident Pawlowski will endure this unscathed. Sometimes improprieties happen in little pieces. It's the pattern that gets attention. Most likely, Pawlowski has been told not to say anything to anyone until it's known what kind of contract behavior is under the microscope. Right now, subjecting the Mayor to a barrage of questions has potential to be too revealing at such early stage.

    Fred Windish

  2. fred@1:44, i think not enduring unscathed is quite an understatement. i suspect that whatever viability pawlowski had as a fundraiser/ senate candidate collapsed yesterday.

  3. Yes, I should have emphasized untouched by 'criminal' charges. Pawlowski has definitely been bruised already. There's a cloud of suspicion over him from now on. He can drop out of that Senate race right now. He can always raise enough money for local office, even with this incident.

    Fred Windish

  4. I tend to think the grand jury is just checking into campaign contributions versus the awarding of contracts. This may be all there is to it. This could be politically motivated or not. This is what grand juries do all the time.

    That said there's a few things about grand juries that concern me.

    (1) Those being investigated have no right to an attorney nor is there an obligation on such in allowing those being investigated to explain themselves. Thus only one side is often times presented to the members of a grand jury. (2) Those being investigated have no idea what's happening because grand jury investigations are cloaked in secrecy. (3) Then there's the selection of jury members themselves. All this can possibly skewer the outcome. (4) While grand juries are useful in providing oversight they can also be unfairly used as a tool for prosecutors who don't have enough evidence or too weak a case to go to court with what they have.

    Ultimately in the end a grand jury can recommend but it's up to prosecutors if they wish to pursue a case. Frankly I'd be surprised if this ends up with charges.

  5. As a life long Allentown resident I'm hoping this is only smoke. The alternative would do serious harm to not just Pawlowski but the city and the vibrant growth taking place. As a region we have worked hard to recover from years of economic decline to have that progress viewed through the the fog of corruption is very disappointing. Many people contributed to were we are beyond the usual suspects. Go Allentown Go Lehigh Valley!!!!!!

  6. As a paid public official, people should be demanding answers. He is paid by the taxpayers and should be avaiable to answer questions. Otherwise stepdown until the investigation passes. He is acting guilty in the eyes of an ex con

  7. 4:55, i actually view it in an opposite way. although i have been a long time critic of the pawlowski administration priorities, i never alleged or thought about improprieties at city hall. on the other hand, although you and many others are excited about the "vibrant growth" occurring, i view it as a taxpayer rip-off. there is nothing organic or economically self sustaining, rather it is the beneficiary of an unlimited subsidy. if there are misdeeds at city hall, it has nothing to do with the NIZ. the niz's $billion dollar development is far and beyond city hall's nickel and dime contracts.

  8. @5:07, as mayor, this investigation, in the public's eye, tends to cast suspicion on pawlowski, but the FBI itself has made no statement as to what is actually being investigated.

  9. i just received a comment from someone who speculates what the case is about, describes who is guilty in the most unflattering terms, then proclaims who the key is. and does all this, of course, anonymously

    such comments require a verifiable name to appear

  10. 4:55

    That attitude is what breeds corruption, and has gone on for far too long. Anything that's so fragile that it can't withstand honest scrutiny isn't real.

    Allentown isn't surviving BECAUSE of Ed Pawlowski, it's surviving IN SPITE of him. He's made the city the state's largest recipient of municipal welfare, and has somehow fooled people into thinking that's an accomplishment. In a sane world, voters would have run him out of town years ago.

    Time to wake up!

  11. Interesting language in this morning's MC. "The agents visited several floors of City Hall..." Call me paranoid but my guess is if that were a Republican official (let's say Chris Christie} it might have read more like "the agents combed the halls of the state house looking for the obvious proof of nefarious conduct."
