Mar 25, 2015

Voodoo Science and The Wildlands Conservancy

Hanover Township and the Monocacy Creek are about to lose some beauty and history to the Wildlands Conservancy, as that grant greedy deceiver rips out another dam. Like the former Robin Hood Dam in Lehigh Parkway, these short decorative dams, less than one foot tall, are no barrier to fish migration. Almost after every rain the dams disappear as the water level rises, giving the fish easy passage. In the drier periods, the low dams help oxygenate the water. The Wildlands Conservancy comes to the municipality with a power point presentation showing how detrimental dams are to waterways. Specifics, such as that the dam is only 8 inches high, are omitted. They point out how Pennsylvania leads the nation in dam removals. We of course would be better off if the DEP concerned itself with the chemicals used by the fracking industry, and other real issues affecting our health. Local college professors are recruited to testify about about the benefits of dam removal, again generalities and site unspecific. It's a sad course of events to lose the beauty and memories enjoyed by so many people for so long in our parks. My associate Bernie O'Hare reports on this latest scheme by the Wildlands Conservancy. He evens seems to buy into their false premise. That's the problem with sacred cows, too few people are willing to see their flaws.


  1. Between the Wildlands and you, I'd pick your POV as being more unbiased. I point out the difference between the Monocacy and Jordan only bc you have noted that the Jordan is not really a trout stream. I am going to try to determine how much money the Wildlands is getting for this dam removal. By the way, Supervisors have a portrait of you hanging on the wall.

  2. Michael has his portrait with a bull's-eye traced over it in some offices..Money-grubbers HATE having their grant money denied. I suggest the WC get busy removing the three billion tons of slag lining most of Route 54.

  3. NO MORE MORGAN in 2017March 25, 2015 at 7:39 PM

    A give kudos to Michael Molovinsky and the Save Wehr's Dam oragnaiztion for exposing the lies and truths of the Wildlands Conservancy. To spend over $200,000 on a study of an 111 year old dam with the goal to spend $600,000 of taxpayer supplied "grants" to accomplish eel migration is ludicrous and the Wildlands should be ashamed. I find it amusing that the Lehigh University professor who spoke at the South Whitehall meeting was the husband of a South Whitehall Park And Rec board member, a board whose director is the son of a PAID Wildlands Conservacy Vice President.

    I truly hope the voters of South Whitehall remember that vote of Commissioner moragn in 2 years and vote her and her cronies out of office.... NO MORE MORGAN in 2017!!!

  4. @7:39, i'm concerned about everything you mention. ms. morgan encouraged KCI to interact with DEP, which could result in unnecessary expense to maintain the dam. I'm concerned about the park director and his lack of appreciation of the dam, and the historical aspects of the park.
