Jan 15, 2013

Pawlowski's Press Pass

For someone of Polish descent, when it comes to the press, Pawlowski has the luck of the Irish. In his first campaign back in 2005, the Morning Call reporter thought he was the best thing since white bread. In 2009, his opponent was a case study in self-destruction. Since 2005, the city beat has been served by a succession of reporters, all of which have been new to Allentown. The current one, Emily Opilo, has been here about six months. She writes, When he took office seven years ago, Pawlowski said he promised to build a better Allentown, and Monday he said he had delivered on that promise. As an independent candidate for mayor in 2005, I sat next to Pawlowski on the campaign podium dozens of times; I can tell you what he really said. His campaign at that time was a promise to fix the pension problem, which would be created by the new police contract. He has failed completely in that promise, and now proposes to sell our water system as an act of desperation. Opilo's article today on Pawlowski's third campaign for mayor states that opposition is based on a fear that rates will increase, that's incorrect. Opposition is based on the fact that providing water is a primary city function, related to all the other city departments, and the park system. There is a contract between the city and it's citizens. The city provides service, and the citizens provide taxes and civility. Under Pawlowski, the contract has been broken. The city wishes out of the service, and civility has been replaced by crime and frustration. Although Pawlowski and The Morning Call refer to that enormous hole in the ground as a Transformation,  in reality it's a diversion from our real problems. As a candidate in 2005, I told it like it was; As a blogger in 2013, I will continue that tradition.


  1. make sure you tell your readers that you only gardened 3% of the vote. Also, it is not sale, it is a lease.

  2. @5:05, i don't have to, bill villa does that all day in harassing comments; pawlowski should be ashamed of his association with him. furthermore, 97% of the truth that year came from me. finally, i call a fifty year lease a sale.

  3. Please don't mention Pawlowski in the same sentence as the Irish.

  4. I'm continually amazed individuals still refer to the "3%" you earned during that election. Regardless of the amount, you took the time and money to show you cared enough to run. Thats the whole point of free elections. BTW, 5:05, its "garnered", not gardened.

  5. The Water and Sewer System is up for sale, no matter what you call it. PERIOD!

  6. I find it interesting that apparently nobody in the press asked the obvious question - does Pawlowski's announcement that he is running in 2013 for Mayor mean that he has decided not to run for Governor in 2014?

    I would think that residents have a right to know if Pawlowski plans on spending quite a bit of time on the campaign trail next year. At 90k+ per year, Allentown residents deserve a full time Mayor. And they deserve to know now whether they'll have one.

  7. @7:03, all references to the 3% come from the same cyberstalker

    @7:19, his interest for governor received no feedback, and is no longer being floated

  8. I find it interesting that no one in the press connects the dots of Ed's campaign cash and people doing business with the city. Oh I forgot, it is OK when Democrats do it.

    Scott Armstrong

  9. The Morning Call's quiet acceptance of whatever this administration does (and at the national level, too) holds HUGE responsibility for where the city has been recklessly taken.

    An important "check and balance" has been lost here and elsewhere. Any wonder newspapers are struggling? It's just not due to technology.

  10. I, for one, had absolutely no idea that MICHAEL MOLOVINSKY was a candidate for Mayor during the 2005 campaign.

    But ... I am quite sure I am absolutely the only one who can say that.

    Tra la la ... when is the first hockey game at Pawlowski's record-smashing Palace of Sport?



  11. M.M.,
    You were the most erudite (and still are to this day) on issues that we faced back then.(more so today) I helped you as best I could during that campaign. Someone on the inside told me that you actually received 8% of the vote. But that's all a moot point now.
    We need someone who truly loves this city even with all it's "warts" A born and raised Allentownian, if possible. Transplant who understands our rich history, and politics, with underlying background. Would be more than welcome. "Tall Order" I guess. Hmm??

  12. I think it's quite revealing, the Chairman's association with the most notorious Cyberstalker in the City With No (Spending?) Limits.

    Most revealing, indeed.

    I am quite certain I am the only one who sees things that way, though.

    So, whatever.



  13. The inability of the Allentown GOP to produce a spokesperson, let alone a candidate, speaks for itself.
    One party is a clusterf%#k, the other is completely MIA.
    That place is a real disaster area.

  14. Exactly who in their rational state of mind actually WANTS to be a punching bag for the Lame Stream Media ...

    ... AND have to flush the serious amount of money needed to be able to take that expensive pounding from the "objective press"?

    Testing. Reality check. 1,2,3. Testing.
