Aug 24, 2011

The General Gently Weeps

General Trexler died in an automobile accident in 1933; had he lived a few more years and seen the completed WPA Projects throughout Allentown's Parks, it would have made him very happy.

Currently the walls and structures in Lehigh Parkway are probably the most seen and used WPA structures.
However, without a doubt, the constructions in Fountain Park are both the most monumental and historically important.

The massive stairway rises off of Martin Luther King Drive and climbs up to Union Street.

Construction continues on the other side of Union Street with a colossal retaining wall which is several blocks long.

Contained in this wall is a tunnel leading to another mammoth stairwell which climbs up to Spring Garden Street.

These steps were used over the years by thousands of Mack Truck workers going to the factory on S. 10th Street, and thousands of kids going into the park to play. Although many resources has been spent on the Park system in the last few years, none has been used to maintain these most important treasures. Please join me on Tuesday, September 6 to organize a group dedicated to the preservation of the WPA Structures. The meeting will he held in the lower level of the Allentown Public Library. Invitations have been extended to the Park Department and Trexler Trust.


  1. MM: This is a great idea that you are advocating. All Allentownians and all Americans should support the preservation of our heritage. Great leadership from the Tribune of the People!

    That being said please remind everyone that WPA does not stand for "whoop Pawlowski's ass."

  2. gary, that's a good point, WPA is for Works Progress Administration. i have recently omitted several attack comments. Any real success with the WPA structures will only occur with the city's cooperation, and needless attacks, and partisanship will not be hosted here.
