Dec 26, 2009

Cheap Tricks By Park Department

You gotta give credit to Greg Weitzel, Director of Recreation(and parks) he knows how to sell tupperware. The newsletter, included with the current City water bill, states;
So far, more than 500 people have participated in this planning process!
If you go to the website provided ,
cycle around, you discover that 50 people attended their meetings and supposedly 450 responded to the online survey, thus we get 500. So far the City has spend over $144,000 with the consultant Greenways Incorporated. There are also three other consultants under contract. The spandex boys want to be able to ride their bike from Lehigh Parkway to Trexler Park without being inconvenienced by traffic or the reality called Allentown.

There will be another and FINAL public meeting Wednesday January 13th, 7:00 pm at the Allentown Public Library. If you believe as I do, that both the City and Parks have more pressing issues to address, please join me that evening.


  1. Mark my words,many of these same consultants, or firms they represent, will get contracts to do design work or other components once the work gets underway. Of course all this was a preordained conclusion before any of the community meetings or funny survey road show began.

  2. Yes, 500 people did take part in the planning process. It seems clear to me. See you at the next meeting.

  3. Why the new projects in Allentown's parks at a time when park staff has been deeply cut back? Why not take care to maintain, restore, and rebuild old traditional treasures? Reluctently, we have come to beleive what we had read on this site months ago but could not quite except, given our then more positive outlook, at that time. Maintaining,restoring,and rebuilding do not polish resumes,get one noticed or awarded amoung out of town professional peers, win one awards, or give one things to brag about at election time. All important things if one is a young man - young men - looking ahead to bigger, better, other, places and oppertunities. Another,larger park in a more important location. Or mabe a position or office closer to one's home. Or to Washington,D.C.
