The golem is the original "super hero" of Judaism. Kabalists believe that life was created through G-d speaking words, and thus, if your beliefs are pure and you are a master of kabala, then you too can create life from nothing. Rabbis over the century were said to have created Golems to protect Jewish settlements in times of anti-Semitic strife. The symbols on which the golem lies are one of the main pillars of Kabala, known in English as the Tree of Life.*
Upset over a recent comment about my motives in regard to Fairview Cemetery, I had the Golem imported from its hiding place in Poland. The following apology did appear on the blogosphere for several minutes today;**/ 1
".... Michael and I had a lengthy phone conversation yesterday and I trust that things are OK again between us. I admitted and apologized to Michael for having posted several anonymous "snarks" at him recently that called into question his motives regarding Fairview Cemetery,......" Bill Villa
Although the Golem remains secure in its box, I will postpone returning it to Poland for the time being.
* this incredible drawing of the golem, and it's explanation is by Juliet Howland http://www.elfwood.com/art/j/u/julieth/golem3jpg.jpg.html
**the apology was first posted onto Bernie O'Hares Blog, deleted and sent to Villa's Blog(Mrs. Dottie) where it was again deleted
1. confession of a blogger. I used the apology as a vehicle to utilize this fascinating drawing. I don't need a golem to handle my critics, besides, it would be a full time job defending me and others in the local blogosphere. This posting is not intended as a springboard for tension between any specific bloggers, nor will such comments be accepted.
I hope there can be peace in the valley soon. There are too few of us to get caught up in the "divide and conquer" game.
My first introduction to a golem was watching "Snow in August", about a young catholic boy (harried by gangs) and an old Jewish rabbi (a Holocaust survivor).
ReplyDeleteThe boy teaches the rabbi English and the rabbi teaches the boy Hebrew and tells the story of the golem. They share a passion for Jackie Robinson.
Once day, the boy is severely beaten by the gang and his mother nearly raped. The golem arises and protects him. Although it is August, it starts snowing. Once the golem deals with the gang, the boy gives him a Jackie Robinson pin. The golem smiles.
It's a very touching movie. It's about tolerance.
I'm ... uh ... sorta speechless here.
ReplyDeleteTo be clear, my attempted public apology to MM at LV Ramblings was deleted, 8 times, by that blog's owner, and not by me, that is, he would not allow me to make amends to MM publicly. I kept re-posting; he kept deleting. I guess he has his reasons. We didn't post my apology to MM at the LV Somebody blog because, out of context, it wouldn't make much sense to anybody.
And Michael, I'm ... uh ... glad you have found some religion. In our lengthy phone conversation the other day, you mentioned that you did not have enough "Christian faith" to do what I was asking you to do, that is, defend me against a local blogger who is lying about me and my wife. I had to remind you (!) that we were talking "Judeo Christian" beliefs, to which you said, "oh yeah." So any intimation in your post that my snark remarks were anti-semitic is laugh out loud hysterical but nice try, I guess.
Geez. Youse 2 are good.
Here's my public apology to MM ... deleted 8 times at LV Ramblings ...
ReplyDelete"Molovinsky has been told to "get lost already." -Bernie O'Mcall
Michael Molovinsky is welcome any time at the "Lehigh Valley Somebody" blog. Michael and I had a lengthy phone conversation yesterday and I trust that things are OK again between us. I admitted and apologized to Michael for having posted several anonymous "snarks" at him recently that called into question his motives regarding Fairview Cemetery, i.e., that he was using Morning Call and "Blogger Tuesday" publicity re: Fairview to further his mayoral aspirations. It was wrong of me to do this considering I don't have any proof. I did it out of frustration that MM (who I had considered a friend) wasn't publicly defending me when Bernie O'Hare quashed my Morning Call dissent in his posts of August 1 and August 8 when MC Opinions VP Glenn Kranzley was "visiting" LV Ramblings for feedback from Bernie's readers. If you re-read those posts, I think you'll see that the questions I was asking Mr. Kranzley were valid questions. But Bernie shouted me down. Then he deleted me, lying to his readers about the reasons why ("personal attack," "OT"), and then he started attributing lunatic rant anonymous comments (that he may have written) to me in an effort to discredit me and scare me away. And it worked. I've been gone from this blog since August 11. Only reason I'm back is because Bernie, on Wednesday, again attributed an anonymous comment to me. It wasn't me. I've been afraid to post anything (anything) here for fear that Bernie would delete it and then tell his readers that I was personally attacking, or threatening homicide, or suicide, or going after Jim Martin with an exploding Seward's steak sandwich or whatever. Obviously, Bernie will use any tactic he can to muzzle me. Lately, he's been even threatening to use alleged private e-mail correspondences between us from the days when he was a supporter of mine to discredit me.
But anyways (and geez how far OT have I drifted here, sorry), things have been patched up between Michael Molovinsky and me ...
I'll be interested to read the rationale for deleting my previous 2 comments. Neither are "personal attacks" and neither are "OT."
ReplyDeletebill villa, i made it very clear that your apology was a vehicle to use the drawing, which i admire. i do NOT think anything about you is anti-Semitic. i was hoping you would not use this comment board for your battle with bernie. but since you have;
ReplyDelete1. there was a left hand aspect to your apology when you said you do not have proof about my intentions.
2. it was not necessary to say your glad i found religion. what i really meant was i would have to be very pious to be more concerned about Bernie's insults to you, than your insults to me.
3. any future comments on bernie/you/me interaction will have to take place on your blog. after bernie deleted your "apology" he forwarded to your blog comment section, where you deleted it. you seem to want to use other people's blogs for your issues, but not your own.
bill villa, i reply to your comment timed at 9:10. i will not delete your previous comments, but i will delete future ones. i believe there is something disingenuous for you to comment extensively about the morningcall/kranzley/bernie etc. everywhere, but not put a post about it on LehighValley Somebody
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ReplyDelete"i believe there is something disingenuous for you to comment extensively about the morningcall/kranzley/bernie etc. everywhere, but not put a post about it on LehighValley Somebody"
ReplyDeleteOkay, we'll post one, not today but soon ...
Hmm ... okay ... I believe I have a topic for the LV Somebody blog post you're looking for, Michael.
ReplyDeleteIt'll be the content of my 9:41 comment that you just deleted/muzzled.
"It's a very touching movie."
ReplyDeleteYeah. A movie that comes to my mind is The Shining, were the Jack Nicholson character ("Jack") gets out-smarted by his terrorized wife who whacks him on the head with a baseball bat and and locks him in the kitchen pantry. A kindred evil spirit eventually unlocks the pantry door and lets Jack out, but Shelly Duvall outsmarts Jack again and he freezes to death in a confusing maize.
Can we P-L-E-A-S-E stop this scary stuff about the Golem? Can't we get back to the Allentown Fair or to the city? I hope that I have not offended anyone with this post. FEETS DON'T FAIL ME NOW!
ReplyDelete"Can't we get back to the Allentown Fair or to the city?"
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Bill Weber, thanks for your patience.
Short story. About a year ago, some people at another blog were attacking Michael Molovinsky. Angie (Mrs. Dottie) and I didn't know Michael from Adam back then, but we could see, plainly, that these bloggers were way off-base. Angie and I jumped in there and countered them and defended MM. The attacks subsided and ended. Grateful, MM phoned us, and a friendship began.
It is only recently that Angie and I have realized what a remarkable thing that was that we did for MM. Remarkable in that most people wouldn't want to get involved. We understand that now, bitter pill that that is to swallow. Call Angie and I naive, or, remarkable, but we actually believed peope would jump in there and counter Bernie O'Hare and defend us against the plainly outrageous things he's been writing about us. We realize now that we were expecting too much of people. And, I apologize for the inappropriate ways I have responded to the "allies" not joining the fray, and that was, counter-attacking. I was wrong to do this. I can tell you that this won't happen again, because we'll never again expect people to help us fight our battles. And if you've been reading, I think you'll see that, truth is, I don't really need much help ;) I do pretty good solo.
On a liter note, the TeleVac 62000 handwriting analysis machine at The Allentown Fair (which we do every year) printed this out at me last night:
"You're the type of person who doesn't take any shit from anybody. This is a blessing and a curse."
bill villa, i should delete your comment, because once again, you have used my blog for your issues; you consistently highjack comment boards but keep this stuff off your own blog, perhaps your picture should be of a pirate. you also tend to tell your story leaving out selective information. for instance, when you defended me it was on a public blog, in the comment section, and you were not friendly with those attacking and their points were clearly biased. in the case of you and bernie, the insults went back and forth in emails. i clearly told you and bernie, that i didn't want to be included or involved in your dispute. what you call counter attacking, actually consisted of publicly attacking me on blogs and the morning call forum and also sending me threatening emails. here again, with emails you have a double standard, what you write should remain private, what others write is fair game. now for the third time, on this posting, i ask you to take your fight with bernie and put it on your blog, Lehigh Valley Somebody.
ReplyDelete... will do Michael, and thank you for graciously allowing my 8:48 comment. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful Holiday Weekend and End Of Summer.
ReplyDelete(WHEW) After all that, I have to ask, what were we talking about again ? (smile)
ReplyDeleteAnd to quote a popular and overused statement that I believe is appropriate for ALL involved in this fray, "Can't we all just get along?"
Oh, and since EVERYONE else has personal agendas: The SEPTEMBER EDITION OF LEHIGH VALLEY FLAVOR is OUT !!! IT'S OUR FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY !!! www.lehighvalleyflavor.piczo.com
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ReplyDelete"in the case of you and bernie, the insults went back and forth in emails."
ReplyDeletemichael, tons of brutal stuff, written by bernie about the villas, can be seen at bernie's very PUBLIC blog, and spewed across numerous posts, many of which you commented at also, so you cannot be unaware of this
comment 6:01,9:17, 10:55 are all by bill villa. mr. villa, i am aware that bernie has written harsh comments in the past week. at the time you started attacking me, early last month, bernie's comments were confined to emails. once again i request that you state your case against bernie or whom ever on your own blog.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! I just returned from getting my son off to his first day of 2nd grade (on the way home, we did some volunteer work at the hospital and helped several old ladies across the street and then went to mass) and we saw these deletions and anonymous comments attributed to me.
ReplyDeleteMichael, when we spoke yesterday and I humbly requested that you clarify the distinction you made in your 9:05 comment that you were attacked publicly on a blog but that Angie and I were attacked privately in e-mails, I did mention to you that many of your readers have likely read those vicious and libelous comments about us at LV Ramblings and might "call you on it."
Accuracy and being truthful is important.
So again, thank you for letting anon 10:55's clarifying comment stand, and, for allowing Angie and I to tell our side of the story, side-by-side with your side of the story.
You're a good man, Michael.
And (we just saw this) CONGRATULATIONS!!! We see you're the featured blogger at The Morning Call Forum's new "Blogger Tuesday" forum. Correct us if we're wrong but I believe this is your 2nd "Blogger Tuesday" spotlight this month and two of the first 4 "Blogger Tuesday" entries have been by "MM!"
ReplyDeleteGood for you! (you must know somebody there :)
bill villa, whether anon 10:55 is you or someone else, i hope at this point, if you don't have the manners to stop highjacking this post, you will do so to retain some credibility.
ReplyDeleteMy credibility is fine, Mike.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you'd cease provoking me back onto your blog to defend myself against your personal attacks, such as questioning my credibility, and/or recklessly and desperately attributing anonymous comments to me (a tactic that's right out of your good friend Bernie O'Hare's playbook), I'll be happy to deny your readers the pleasure of my always astute comments, and never post here, so you can discuss Mayor Pawlowski, or recipes, or the upcoming Republican primary race for Allentown Mayor or whatever you like, without my penetrating insight.
Please tell your close friend Bernie O'Mcall that this same offer applies to his web blob.
MM, I haven't said anything because this isn't my fight, but please take Mr. Villa up on his offer so he'll go away.
ReplyDeleteThe Banker
Take that to the bank! Enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteComment 4:24 is from a coward and comment 4:40 is from either Mike Molivinski or Bernie O'Mcall.
ReplyDeleteBanker, there are several difficulties with Mr. Villa. He has a compulsion to have the last word. In addition to posting under his name, he also posts anonymously, even to point of asking his alter ego questions, then answering them. If you delete his posting, he will just keep putting it back, and back. Although he has highjacked this posting, he clearly demeaned himself in the process.
ReplyDeleteMike, "clearly demeaned himself" implies that you think I care what anyone thinks of me. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I know I'm right. And that's all I care about.
ReplyDeleteBut good visiting again, I've been away much too long.
MM, understood, thanks.
ReplyDeleteMr. Villa, good luck to you.
The Banker
Oh and I agree with anon 4:49. "The Banker" is an anonymous poster and posting/snarking anonymously is cowardly.
ReplyDeleteWhere's my apology, Banker ...
Good luck to you Mr. Villa.
ReplyDeleteThe Banker
Banker, there I go again, expecting remarkable performance from an all too ordinary person.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you Mr. Villa.
ReplyDeleteMM, I apologize for participating in a hijacking, this is the last post for me as part of it.
The Banker
"Good luck to you Mr. Villa." -The Banker
ReplyDeleteHey thanks, anonymous snarker banker, whoever you are, some luck's always good.
MM, here's the Last Word if you want it: A-Quiver.
We've all tried to help the guy. I'm done trying to help this cyber bully.
ReplyDeleteOn my own blog, I wrote two posts suggesting the MC should meet with him. Villa packed them with comments that he was continuing to make for weeks after the iriginal post. He would do precisely what Mike mentions. He would make a comment anonymously or pseudonymously and then he would answer it.
That's OK with me, but he does the same thing in attack mode, just as MM has noticed. Tres bizarre.
The most telling indication of how far Villa has descended can be gleaned by looking at a Northern Lehigh Valley Logic blog that Villa hijacked.
NLVLogic, a lawyer, had gently suggested to Villa that he only makes himself look foolish when he starts threatening lawsuits. For this piece of free advice, Villa responded, with these ridiculous claims. 1) NLVLogic is quashing dissent. 2) NLVLogic is an incompetenmt attorney. 3) NLVLogic is an "Aquiver blogger," i.e., a Morning Call lapdog. 4) NLVLogic is twice called a pussy). 5) NLVLogic is a "backstabbing weasel." 6) MLVLogic is not nearly so bright as he thinks he is.
In that one blog, Villa said all he needs to say about himself. Of course, he had to have the last word, too.
He is an angry and bitter man who needs serious medical treatment. Although he denies this now, he privately told me he was thinking about suicide a few months ago. This should not be ignored.
In the past weeks, he has alienated me, MM, AJ, Michael Donovan and NLV Logic. We were the people trying to help him. I'm done trying.
"Although he denies this now, he privately told me he was thinking about suicide a few months ago. This should not be ignored." -Bernie O'Mcall
ReplyDeleteDon't get your hopes up.
What I actually said was that in the aftermath of my daughter Sheena's death, there are days I have to summon up a reason to get out of bed and go on.
This is a perfectly normal state of mind, for someone who has lost a child.
A-Quiver Blogger Bernie O'Mcall twisted this into "threatening suicide."
Bernie fancies himself a master at twisting people's words in ways that he thinks will make them look bad.
I have private e-mails from Bernie where he brags about doing this to people.
I stand by everything I said at Dave Najarian's Northern Lehigh Valley Logic blog.
MM, and Banker, you should be grateful to have such a good friend in Bernie O'Mcall. He saw you both getting the crap kicked out of yourselves and so he has come to your rescue.
ReplyDeleteQ. Are youse 3 familiar with the phrase "with one hand tied behind my back?"
That's how easy (and fun) it is besting you guys.
Idea: get AJ and Najarian and Donovan. Then it'll be 6 against 1 and you might have a chance.
"I'm done trying." -Bernie O'Mcall.
ReplyDeleteGood. Get lost already. You give me the creeps. Dealing with you is like snake charming. And I hate snakes. I like bull fighting better.
"What I actually said was that in the aftermath of my daughter Sheena's death, there are days I have to summon up a reason to get out of bed and go on."
ReplyDeleteWrong. I am not talking about a vague statement made in the aftermath of the death of your daughter, when I did not even know you. I am talking about very specific statements you made just about two months ago. The concerned me enough to prompt a call from me to you. You were extremely depressed. It was right around the time that the father of another drunk driving victim was refusing to go along with you. Statements like yours should not be ignored. I should have told your wife at the time. Your dead daughter seems to be more important to you than your living wife and son. You are sick.
"Bernie fancies himself a master at twisting people's words in ways that he thinks will make them look bad.
I have private e-mails from Bernie where he brags about doing this to people."
I remember what people say, and I remember inconsistent statements. That's not twisting. That's impeaching, and I am a master at impeaching another person with prior inconsistent statements.
In your case, that is totally unnecessary. With one hand tied behind your back, you've embarrassed the memory of your daughter. You've marginalized yourself, insulting the people who were trying to help you find some closure. Your comments to NLVLogic, all by themselves, make that abundantly clear. Ine need look no further.
Also, I have never bragged about twisting people's words bc I don't do that and therefore, would never brag about it.
But you do own your words. You did call NLV Logic a pussy, an incompetent lawyer, a backstabbing weasel and sell out. You have accused MM of writing posts simply to advance his political career.
You've even taken credit for destroying LVPoliblog. According to your twisted view of history, you and your wife meted out justice there.
In your own words, "Poliblog, it should be noted, hasn't been the same since; that was the beginning of its demise into the black hole it is today."
You've also made a very recent threat to disrupt my blog. Well, you better untie that hand from behind your back. You need it.
You are in advertising, which means you are a paid liar. I've seen you demonstrate your technique on other bloggers. That may work in advertising, but it is failing badly here.
You have lied to and bullied just about everyone who does not accept everything you are saying. That doesn't work here.
But I have not hurt you. You've done it to yourself.
"Dealing with you is like snake charming. And I hate snakes. I like bull fighting better."
ReplyDeleteI say how timid you were in the presence of that great bull, Jim Martin. You looked like you wanted to crawl under your chair and hide.
Unless you can agree with your own anonymous snarks, you're toast. This ain't advertising, Billy. We sell truth here, not propaganda.
Try telling the truth. I know, it's hard, but you'll feel better in the long run. Honest.
Bernie ... and your point is?
ReplyDeleteRe: confronting DA Jim Martin at the LC Commissioners meeting, as you commended me for the next day, that was not the forum to call Martin out for fixing DUI Homicide cases for cronies.
Plus, there was a sheriff with his hand on his holster staring at me the entire time, very likely at pussy Jim Martin's direction.
August 15, 2006 was the proper forum for confronting Jimbo. And boy did I ever. With a witness from the Crime Victim's Council present. Martin was bellowing at me (the grieving father) about something, I forget what, so I stood up, leaned in and over his desk, got my nose about 3-4 inches from Jimbo's alkie bulbous schnoz, stuck my hand out for him to shake and said, "Jim, listen, we're both Irish, so this intimidation crap isn't gonna work on me, you're gonna have to think of something else."
Like all neighborhood bullies, big Jim stopped bellowing. In fact, Jimmy got as quiet as a mouse. Eventually, he shook my hand cuz he figured I wasn't gonna move it away. I believe I also detected an aroma of urine emanating from his crotch.
Don't tell me about any fear of Jim Martin. I got none. Zero.
Ditto when it comes to you.
I gotta go turn in (am in NYC early tomorrow for that advertising whoring I do; some of us have to work) ...
ReplyDeleteCatch up with you in the morning!
Last thought ... I know you're trying to find that one "Golden Spike" that you can drive through my heart to get me to stop advancing at you.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't one.
Sleep tight.
"Re: confronting DA Jim Martin at the LC Commissioners meeting, as you commended me for the next day, that was not the forum to call Martin out for fixing DUI Homicide cases for cronies."
ReplyDeleteThis is a flat out lie, one of many that pour out of your mouth. Here's a link to the blog I wrote about it the very next day. You were not commended.
"Plus, there was a sheriff with his hand on his holster staring at me the entire time, very likely at pussy Jim Martin's direction."
This is insane. Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that DA Martin would direct a deputy sheriff to take his revolver out and whack you if you get out of hand in a public meeting? Do you think any of these guys would put their hands on their holster in a public meeting attended by the county exec, nine commissioners, one reporter and a blogger? You are completely out of your mind.
This is the rationale you have since fabricated for your inability that evewning to muster up the courage to make a peep every time raging bull Jim Martin snorted in your direction. I looked over at you, and you were scared to death. You looked like you wanted to crawl away. Eventually, you ran out of there with your tail between your legs.
On 8/15/06, when you claim to have been so courageous, nobody was around. Since there is no corroborating evidence, I don't believe you. You are incapable of telling the truth when it comes to martin or the MC. Your advertising skills work against you.
So we've gone from your taunts at NLVLogic to your claim that a deputy sheriff was intimidating you with his hand on his holster.
You're nutz.
And a bully.
" I know you're trying to find that one "Golden Spike" that you can drive through my heart to get me to stop advancing at you."
ReplyDeleteNot necessary. You've done it to yourself. With both of my hands tied behind my back.
"I gotta go turn in (am in NYC early tomorrow for that advertising whoring I do"
ReplyDeleteBe careful. Make sure Jim Martin does not have you followed by a deputy with his hand on the holster.
You're nutz.
And a bully.
Hey folks!
ReplyDeleteThis hijacking thing is kinda' fun. I can't wait until Villa turns off the moderation on his own blog so I can do it there, too.
We've been missing out!
Isn't it ironic that the person who complained loudest
about the mcall deleting or not posting his comments, has himself
turned on blog moderation and deleted comments on his own blog?
He actually had to delete his own comments!
If I were Villa, I'd complain to Villa immediately.
He's nutz.
And a bully.
Isn't it ironic that the person who complained loudest
ReplyDeleteabout the mcall deleting or not posting his comments, has himself
turned on blog moderation and deleted comments on his own blog?
I second that emotion!
comment from the blog owner. there is nobody who doesn't sympathize with bill's lost. even his resentment and vendetta against the district attorney and newspaper are comprehendible through that prism. however, after that, the problem starts. bill tends to see everything and everybody as a means to that end. what he says is privileged, what others say is fair game. he views his actions as noble and remarkable, while others have questionable motives. he has yet to raise his questions and issues on his blog, despite stating he would. he continues to send me insulting emails. i will let this dialogue continue through tomorrow, then end the comment section. i will attempt to block future posts from being highjacked.
ReplyDelete* Bernie O'Mcall commended me privately for not making a scene at the LC Commissioners meeting.
ReplyDelete* A sheriff eyeballed me, and fingered his holster, the entire time I was there. For fun, I stood up abruptly several times, straightened by jacket, and sat back down. Each time, the sheriff discreetly got ready to shoot to kill.
* When I confronted Martin during our 8/15/06 meeting, as was stated previously, there was a witness present.
* re: comment moderation on at our BNN Top 20-Rated blog, Lehigh Valley Somebody, well yeah, what did you expect? We don't want this crap at our blog :)
* Dave Najarian: you're now officially a member of the gang that's harrying me, much like the gang that harried the old Jewish rabbi (a Holocaust survivor) in that touching movie Bernie smokescreen-mentioned earlier, "Snow in August." This publicly confirms that you're a pussy.
* MM, I guess 'hijacking' isn't an issue anymore, eh :) and that's what I like, a Mayoral candidate who really sticks to his guns.
* Bernie O'Mcall, formerly Bernie O'Hare before he went A-Quiver and sold out to The Morning Call Forum, is a profoundly sick individual.
* Anyone who would defend him, ally with him, or enable him, is a sad excuse for a human being. I'm the only one brave enough to take him on and vanquish him.
* Bottom Line: DA Jim Martin and Morning Call Opinions VP Glenn Kranzley are both genuinely bad guys. I know this from first-hand experience. Our community would be much better off if both "men" were removed from their respective positions. I'm on it.
* If you've decided you don't want to help anymore, and would rather pursue a career as a "Blogger Tuesday" blogger and local celebrity on the level of say Bill ("eating my way through Musikfest") White, that's fine. Just stay out of my way and I'll maybe stay out of yours.
* WAR IS OVER (with you morons, anyway). And I won. I always do. Ask scary big bull Jim Martin. Jim wanted a wrist slap for the select-connected homicidal drunk driver who killed my daughter Sheena. Sheena's killer is currently serving 5.5 to 12 years in state prison.
Bill has won. He has managed to keep his "kindness" off their blog and maintain their 1950ish Ozzie and Harriet image. So remember, if you see him coming, you better cross over to the other side for your safety. I will now end the comment option.
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